Dear Banglalink Customers; please attentively read the below text. Cause, here you will get a Important Informations, which are mainly Banglalink GSM Related.
Please Note that, If you do not use your any Banglalink Connection Since minimum 3 Months (90 days); then your Connection will be Dis-Connected by Banglalink.
So, as a Result; next time you will not Replace/Swas your Connection. That means, then you are not User/Owner those number.
Otherwise, If you want to avoid to disconnect your Banglalink Connections; you must need to be use your Connection within 3 months (90 days) in any time.
Example: You must need to Recharge your Account & use; You must need to making Calls/SMS's, OR, You must need to receiving Calls/SMS,s.
If you are not maintain previous works, then your Connection will be disconnected.
After disconnected your Banglalink Connection, Banglalink will be taken your Connection & next time Banglalink will sent those Connection to a Distributors, Authorize Delars, Sells & Care Centres, Banglalink Service Point, Banglalink Point for Sell.
Please also Note that, then you are not User/Owner of your Previous Banglalink Number.
When Banglalink will sell those Connections; then your Previous FnF Number's, Your Name, Last Recharge date & amount, PIN & PUK Code, SIM Serial Number, Subscriber Agreement Form (SAF), you Biaodata, that Means all of your Services, which was you enjoyed will be Removed OR, Deleted. But, Only Banglalink Number will be UnChanged.
Next time which Customers will buy those Connections, they will be originally User/Owner of those Banglalink SIM.
So, i think it is will be Best Work to use your Banglalink Conection in Continue & enjoy the Attractive/Great Banglalink Offers OR, Services.
So that, you will be able to get "Making A Difference" BY using Banglalink Connection OR, Staying with Banglalink Family.
For further more informations about Banglalink Service Related; please feel free to Contact with Banglalink Customer Care Representative BY Simply dialing 121 Or, 01911304121
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